A bucket list of adventures starring Sleepy, Hiking Geer, Gusto, Helpdesk, Rolling Peach and Pepe'

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lansford Canal May 2008

Gusto and Helpdesk took a Memorial day run down the Catawba to see the Spider Lilies. The water was low however, it was not as bad as I expected after seeing the first set of rocks just around the top of the "Big Island." It was slow going trying to pick the best spots and we stayed far right for most of the trip. We plan a return trip on June 4th hope the water is up some by then. Attached is the river level. Based on the park rangers they don't take out canoe trips with less than 1,500 cubic feet per minute. As you can see here on May 26th it was running at around 900. The triangles show the median over 8 years so the water was down significantly.